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15 May 2017

From May 8 to August 4 Nicolas Tillier from Ecole des Mines d’Alès will work as an intern at the Division of risk management and societal safety. Nicolas will contribute to both education and research activities in the area of risk assessment, land-use planning and other areas.

15 May 2017

You can listen to the program here:

8 May 2017

Margareta brings a wealth of international humanitarian and institution-building experience for disaster risk reduction. She was the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction and simultaneously the Head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) (2009-2015). She is currently serving as the President of the [...]

19 April 2017

12 April 2017

Misse Wester, Visiting Professor at our division, was interviewed in TV4 today on April 12 concerning the recent attack in Stockholm April 7. The full interview (Swedish) can be found at:

15 March 2017

Johan Bergström, associate professor at our division, was interviewed on Radio P4 Kristianstad on March 14 concerning his research on safety and accidents. The full interview can be found at:

14 March 2017

Our Division hosted the above symposium on 7 March 2017 to mark Lund University's 350th jubilee. This symposium aimed to raise awareness about global and local disaster risk, the challenges and potential solutions. Click to access the blog post and the video of the event, and the symposium summary note.

12 March 2017

Congratulations to Kurt Petersen who received the award with the motivation: Kurt Petersen har varit nyckelperson i skapandet av en kreativ och produktiv forskningsmiljö inom riskhantering och samhällssäkerhet. Han har genom gott ledarskap starkt bidragit till att ett stort antal doktorander och juniora forskare framgångsrikt bedrivit forskning som [...]

11 March 2017

In an interview with our senior lecturer Johan Bergström the Lund University Magazine (LUM) acknowledges our research into the popular notion of societal resilience. Johan, who has just finalized an MSB-funded research project on this theme is interviewed on how the notion of resilience brings an optimism towards disaster preparedness at the level [...]

2 January 2017

I år fyller Brandingenjörsutbildningen 30 år, Civilingenjörsutbildningen i Riskhantering 15 år samt det internationella Mastersprogrammet i Brandteknik (IMFSE) 5 år. Med anledning av detta anordnas ett jubileum den 29-30 september som ni går att anmäla sig till. För mer information klicka här.